MBSR-T 6-10 Week Course Overview
A skill building opportunity for young people in a one-on-one learning environment where they’ll develop skills to focus on taking in the good, cope and manage stress, and incorporate mindfulness techniques into their own lives.
-Examining and Defining the Foundations of Stress: Providing an Introduction to Mindfulness
-Exploring the Effects of Stress on the Mind and Body: Beginning a Personal Mindfulness Practice
-Developing and Strengthening Mindfulness Practice: Learning How to Increase Present-Moment Awareness
-Cultivating Self-Care and Beginning to Take in the Good, Facilitating Awareness of Positive Experiences and Pleasant Moments
-Noticing, Being, and Working with Thoughts: Facilitating Awareness of Negative Experiences and Unpleasant Moments
-Improving Awareness Through Mindfulness, Utilizing Positive Coping Strategies and Behaviors to Manage Life
-Cultivating Mindful Resilience: Building Mindful Relationships
-Reviewing the MBSR-T Program, Assessing Mindfulness-Based Solutions, Making Mindfulness a Continuing Part of Daily Living
Individualized sessions are typically 45-55 minutes each. Frequency of sessions (i.e. weekly, bi-weekly, etc.) will be determined on the onset of services.